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  • Mistakes committed by UPSC aspirants

    What are the mistakes committed by UPSC CSE aspirants and which should be avoided?

    If you wish that your life in UPSC CSE journey is smooth and easy ,you must learn from mistakes of others. Today , I would share some of the fatal mistakes which many IAS aspirants commit and must be avoided at any cost. If any sincere aspirant would like to seek any advice from me comment here or contact me. I would like to help you.
    1.Multiple sources: Your time is limited. You can't go on looking for more sources on any subject or topic. If you do so you will never complete the syllabus. You need to stick to one standard book and master it.
    2.Relying too much on online sources:
    3. Ignoring NCERT :
    These books are a must. Many a times I have observed questions directly picked from here.

    4. Not Revising : Reading alone would not help if you fail to do repeated revision. Most of what we read is forgotten in few days. In order to retain what you read revision is a must.

    5. Ignoring optional : This is a major mistake. Most candidates now waste time on online website which cut and paste same general studies material and test and eat up aspirants time. Useless current affairs , tests, mindless answer writing etc don't leave productive time for optional preparation. If you see most of the toppers are toppers because of their optionals not General studies. Online websites hide this fact because they don't offer anything on it as mastering optional needs capability which most lack as they themselves are aspirants.
    6. Ignoring answer writing : trategic answer writing is a must for mains. You need to develop relevant answer writing skills. But at present most online answer writing initiative is not scientific. It is mindless dumping questions . There is no individualised approach.Every candidate is unique. How can same shoe fit everyone.
    7. Ignoring Test : Without tests you would not be able to know whether you have mastered the subject or topic.After completing a segment of subject , you should go and take test on the same. Like laxmikant has a chapter wise question book. It can be used.
    8. Not having a hobby: Most aspirants ignore this. Hobby is a stress buster . In interview phase many questions are centred around your hobby. If you are really following your hobby interview can be a fun.

    9. Not planning : Remember failing to plan is planning to fail. Thus plan your preparation. If you need my assistance in planning ,I can use my experience of clearing all 6 UPSC prelims exam and 4 interviews to plan your preparation.
    10. Not having a mentor or a guide: A mentor will make your journey easy , as he has travelled that path many times before. You will be avoiding silly mistakes as he will be always with you in your journey cautioning you and inspiring you.

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