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  • Routine of an UPSC Aspirant

    What was your routine while preparing for the IAS or IPS exams?

    Every Aspirant has his or her own routine, So here is my routine,

    1.Wake up at 6:00AM and from 6 to 6:30 done all stuffs like brush and all.

    2.6:30–7:30 AM, Yoga and newspaper reading,

    3.From 7:30–10:00AM, first sitting and after this i will take bath and have some healthy food like fruits or oats, etc,

    4.From 11:00–12:00 seeing videos of Rajya sabha tv on desh deshantar and PIB.

    5.12:00–12:30 checking quora and if see some good question then i write btw my topic is tweets,

    6.1:00–2:00PM, lunch and after that from 2:30 second sitting started which ends at 6:00PM,

    7.6:00–7:00 Doing work out because i love workout and after that 7:00–10:00PM, i do self introspection and after dinner i do walk to digest food,

    8.And at last at 10:00PM my last sitting starts and ends at 11:30 then sleep, So i study 7 and half hours daily and this cycle repeats except sunday because one day it is important to give rest to your mind and your body.

    All the best to CSE aspirants who are going to become bureaucrats and have the responsibility to grow the nation👍👍.

    If you want to discuss anything related to CSE you can comment or if you want to share your ideas on how to clear CSE you can join my Quora space.
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