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  • No Mood to Study or Complete a Task - Try This UPSC Aspirants

    no mood to study

    Stressing yourself is suffocating, and if you're drowning in your own mind, you’ll study less effectively.

    Grab a cup of tea, a biscuit or two, and watch your favourite show for a bit or completely cut off electronics and take a walk, stretch, be one with nature (the latter is most effective). Then, get back to business!

    Sleep well:

    In fact, sleep for nine or even ten hours. Sleeping well helps you to concentrate better and rejuvenates your energy. Lacking the will to study or work is often a result of lack of energy.

    Don't lose heart: 

    Consider this state as a natural state. Like the cold or heat. What do we do if it is extreme cold? Under the frost conditions animals and even plants hibernate. To do otherwise is to risk certain death. There are moments when it is not possible to do anything else but lie low. However, this applies to extreme cold. Similarly, if it is above 42 C and going out means risk of heat stroke, it is better to stay home. This also applies to extreme heat only.

    For the moderate cold and heat we rely on appropriate clothing. Similarly, you cannot wait to get into right mood be it for studies or even for any task. Such an attitude will only lead to procrastination and leaving things for tomorrow. We cannot expect only pleasant tasks. There are bound to be difficult or even unpleasant tasks. Studies also happen to be a type of task and it is up to us whether we face it with the joy or cries of agony. How do we break this lethargy and feeling of ennui?

    It is simple if you concentrate on the next step and that too a tiny one. You can start by very simple ones like switching off internet, next switch off your mobile in a series of tiny steps turn off all the distractions. Next open the chapter of the book which interests you most. In brief do not think of long term just live in the moment and make every minute count. Simply by doing very small yet productive actions you make every instant productive. This stream of positive acts will lead you further. Just act positively in this moment and do not be obsessed by grand results or fears of your failure. Remember even the longest journey starts with a small step.

    This is what Gita says do not be obsessed by the gains or failures just concentrate on your actions without being bogged down by the thoughts of results. Your welfare and freedom lies in your performing your duties without being distracted by unrelated thoughts. Surrender and dedicate the results of your action at the feet of God. Once you surrender to him you will attain yoga. Yoga means union of heart, mind and soul. Once such a union is achieved nothing remains impossible.

    Study Mood
    Image Source: https://www.quora.com/q/upsccseclub

    Important: break the habit of procrastination.

     To do so follow these steps.

    1.    Start with the easy subject. Build up your rhythm and interest.

    2.    Then move to your favourite but more difficult subject.

    3.    Isolate yourself from distractions and try to get a quiet and comfortable corner. Switch off FB, mobile, WhatsApp, twitter these are moment to moment disturbances. You can consider them as noise.

    4.    Remember constant distractions will never add to your learning.

    5.    Tackle the difficult and boring subjects. If you face difficulty go back to step 2 or even 1.

    6.    Do not give up on studies. It is the easiest thing to do.

    7.    Do take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour.

    8.    Go for a walk in the morning and evening.

    9.    Remember studies are always difficult in the beginning.

    10.      With practice any subject will become interesting.


    In the end I will quote Bhagavad Gita for students, remember the simple definition of yoga given by PM Modi. Yoga is union of heart, mind and soul. Each one of us aspires to achieve this threefold unity.

    नात्यश्नतस्तु योगोऽस्ति न चैकान्तमनश्नतः।
    न चातिस्वप्नशीलस्य जाग्रतो नैव चार्जुन।।6.16।।

    Truly Yoga is not possible for him who eats too much, nor for him who does not eat at all, nor for him who sleeps too much, nor for him who is (always) awake, O Arjuna.

    युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु।
    युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।।6.17।।

    Yoga becomes the destroyer of sorrows to him who is temperate in food and recreation, who is temperate in efforts and actions, who is temperate in sleep and wakefulness.


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