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  • PSIR | Writing Optional Answer (WAO) - Explain the importance of the statement by Garner "Political science begins and ends with the state" (200 words)

    Explain the importance of the statement by Garner "Political science begins and ends with the state" (200 words) 

    Explain the importance of the statement by Garner Political science begins and ends with the state"

    Political science can be defined as the systematic study of the Governance by applying empirical and value neutral method of analysis of different levels of society. To govern a society in a fixed territory, we need a government, which need to have STATE as Woodrow Wilson said, "state is the people organized in fixes territory by law" 

    Even Garner himself has defined state that " The state as a concept of political science and public law is a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite territory, independent of merely so of external control and possesing an organized government, to which greater body of inhabitants renders habitual obedience."

    Even Aristotle has also said that "State comes into existence for the sake of bare necessities of life, but continues to exist for the sake of GOOD LIFE" As state is taken as the nucleus of Political Science.

    So political science depends on the existence of the state as the political science deals with facts of political life as for society to flourish, it needs state and for proper functioning of state, it needs political science. So, Garner rightly said that "Political Science begins and ends with the state".

    So, for a more efficient and effective state it is necessary that it will follow political principles, viz a viz political science needs to consider and recommend changes and updates according to the needs of state with taking into consideration, other aspects like political behaviour and political analysis.

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