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  • Engineer's UPSC Preparation Strategy

    How do I prepare for the UPSC exam?

    As being an engineer myself I can understand your situation and day to day workload and frequent exam , assignment etc . So we should try to make a comprehensive, feasible and productive time table for the same

    1. Familiarity with exam - first you need to understand the demand and Various aspect of the examination.
    2. Follow the previous year question and syllabus and get a hang of it
    3. time table -
    • Monday to Friday- 7am -9am. And 8pm -11:30 (. Include newspaper 📰)
    • sat and sun - as in many university Saturday is half day or sometime off . So at least try to study 7–8 hours
    • Sunday - 7am-10am , break , 10:30–2pm lunch 🥗,2:30 -5:00 pm , relax and enjoy, 6pm- 8pm - clg work , 8:30–12 UPSC syllabus
    • 4. How to study 📖- take one subject at a time and complete the syllabus
    • 5 .Test - take online or offline test whatever possible to understand and gauge your preparation level . There are various options available like -vision ias or ias network or insight ias etc
    • revise , study 📖 and take test and if you need any mentoring you can join various options like insight or ias Network etc for any guidance.
    • Book list - have minimum but effective and productive book list ( you can check book list suggested by me also )
    • digital options - you can join any telegram channel or groups , you can watch on YouTube and some tv shows of Rajya Sabha tv etc
    • Read newspaper and articles
    • Note - so as for college students Saturday and Sunday is main prime time and you should utilise it fullest and During weekdays also try to squeeze out 4–5 hours and use your leisure period and break for newspaper 📰 and watching some debate etc . So by starting at such initial stage you can utilise the time as well as you can prepare for your future more effectively. Thanks 😊

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