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  • 5 Good Habits- Every UPSC IAS Aspirant Should Adopt

    5 Habits of UPSC AspirantsAC

    This is a very interesting. I always thought of this Question for myself- What habits should I adopt for this examination? To get an idea of this, I read various toppers strategies and daily habits, listened to their approach, sought suggestion from good teachers, discussed with friends who used to prepare with me.

    Let me state at the outset- this Q would not have any universal answer. The five habits which I feel important might be very different from others. But, trust me, all the answers given here are correct. Each habit mentioned is important in one way or the other. Still, I feel the following 5 habits are very crucial while preparing for CSE.

    1. Less is more in UPSC


         might sound un-intelligible. This is what I learnt in my 5 years in CSE. And, I am confident about what I am writing. Gone are the days when bulky books used to be the saviour. Now the smart candidates call the shots.


    a.    You will come across candidates who can speak for days on various topics of history, polity. And you will be in awe of their knowledge. And, you will be equally surprised not to find their names in the list. Many do not even qualify Mains, which is basically a measure of knowledge for many.


    b.    How can I say this? Well, this is not without proof. In my five years in Delhi, I have seen many young teachers, who used to teach in well-known coachings, writing CSE exam. And, out of many, I could see only 1–2 getting qualified finally. The ratio is too small. While they taught, their students could get excellent ranks, but not the teachers! The issue was teacher knew more than what is required for CSE. Thus, I say, less is more in CSE. Hence, follow limited sources.


    c.    If you know less, you will always have opportunity to innovate answers. You can think differently. If you know so many things, your mind will revolve around those items only. And CSE is not different. It loves innovative answers.


    2. If you read something which you are unable to carry to the examination Hall, you are wasting your time and energy 


        This habit relates to the fact that whatever you study, see that if you can put it in any answer. Can you relate it with any topic given in the syllabus, can you use it somewhere, can you point out the relevant Questions in which you can bring up this idea? If yes, only then read something.


    a.    Time is very precious in CSE. Multiple attempts may seem very luring. But, you will not even realise when you have exhausted 3 attempts. This cycle of Prelims-Mains-PT is too short for us to realise our mistakes sometimes. Hence do not fall in this trap.


    b.    Always assume you have limited time. And you will fall short of time to complete syllabus. Hence, read only what you can carry to the examination Hall. Some articles will be too interesting, too brilliant. But that should not invite your attention if it is not giving you any fodder for your exam.


    3. Make “only” good friends

         This habit is related to the above habit concerning time. If you happen to have 2 rotten friends, trust me they have potential to take away 2 attempts from you. In 3rd attempt, you will have nothing but to regret.


    a.    Then, if you happen to get selected in your 3rd attempt, you will say in your toppers talk- ‘I was not very serious in my first 2 attempts. I wasted those years’. Better you do not have to say such things. Prepare yourself for that.


    b.    While good friends can help you in multiple ways- from academics to psychological stability, much needed in the journey of CSE. They can act as your compass to guide you towards right action. It's good to realise the importance of good friends now. Otherwise, you will realise once few of your attempts get wasted because of bad company.



    4. Give time to parents 

         Or rather find out time for parents. They are the strongest pillar in this journey. This journey might be long for some considering the vacancies and applications. You need someone to push you. You need mental support. And everyone can ditch you at some stage or other, but the parents. Even if you fall, you will have hands to hold you.


    a.    I am saying all this because the CSE preparation might take a toll on mental health. Innumerable failures, big or small, might grace your way. You might not find out an way out of it. It is here your parents can help. Even if not academically, they have the experience of life and this is precisely what we lack. We might know many concepts, many subjects, but life is altogether a different subject which is not taught anywhere. Hence, keep in touch with parents and elders always in this journey.


    5. Attitude is Everything

         This is the title of a book by Jeff Keller. You will learn attitude as a part of GS4– Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude. You might read it only for the exam as of now. But this term- Attitude- will help you in qualifying all the exams of life. It has the potential to help you qualify the ‘exam of life' itself.


    a.    It is said- Attitude is your window to the world. Hence, keep your energy high, enthusiasm high during the process. Even if you fail momentarily, keep yourself motivated. Do not let the window be dirty by the negatives which you might come across. Be with people who say to you- Yes, you can do it. And not with those who say- This exam is so difficult, only the genius can qualify. No. No. Never. You have all the requisite quality to qualify this. Even if you lack some, you can develop during the process. But, always be in positive frame of mind.


    b.    Feeling low is obvious and sometimes, desirable. Go through the low-phase with confidence. If needed, cry. But, rejuvenate. Rejuvenate quickly. Tell to your mind- you are not the one to leave the battlefield without fighting. For all this, you need a positive attitude which always tells you- You are a champion. And you indeed are!


    Finally, it's my humble request to you all to keep yourself away from social media. A big NO to social media. It will drain you and push you in a virtual world without any benefit.

    These are the habits I learnt during my preparation. If you feel, you may pick any of them. That's your call. But please follow the last two- positive attitude and social media distancing. These have no substitute.


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